bevelExtrudeTool.errorText=Nothing is selected to bevel/extrude.
createCameraTool.helpText=Click to create a camera.
createCubeTool.helpText=Drag to create a box. Shift-drag to create a cube.
createCurveTool.helpText=Click to add points, shift-click for a corner. Double-click or press Enter to finish line, control-double-click to close line.
createCylinderTool.helpText=Drag to create a cylinder. Shift-drag to constrain shape.
createLightTool.helpText=Click to create a point light, drag for a directional light, control-drag for a spot light.
createLightTool.dragText=Cone angle: {0}
createPolygonTool.helpText=Drag to create a {0}-sided {1}, , shift-drag for a regular polygon, control-drag for a surface. Double-click icon to set shape.
createSphereTool.helpText=Drag to create an ellipsoid. Shift-drag to create a sphere.
createSplineMeshTool.helpText=Drag to create a {0} by {1} {2}, {3} spline mesh. Shift-drag to constrain shape. Double-click icon to change mesh properties.
createVertexTool.helpText.point=Drag a boundary point to create a new point.
createVertexTool.helpText.edge=Click an edge to create a new point.
createVertexTool.helpText.face=Click a face to create a new point.
moveObjectTool.helpText=Drag to move selected objects. Shift-drag constrains movement, control-drag moves perpendicular to view. Double-click icon for options.
moveObjectTool.dragText=Move by: ({0})
moveViewTool.helpText=Drag to move viewpoint. Shift-drag to constrain movement, control-drag to zoom.
reshapeMeshTool.helpText=Definir and move points. Shift adds to selection, Control removes from selection.
reshapeMeshTool.dragText=Move by: ({0})
rotateMeshTool.helpText=Drag a handle to rotate selected points. Control-click to move center of rotation.
rotateMeshTool.errorText=No points are selected to rotate.
rotateObjectTool.helpText=Drag to rotate selected objects. Drag a handle to constrain rotation. Double-click icon for options.
rotateViewTool.helpText=Drag to rotate view. Shift-drag to constrain movement, control-drag to rotate about axis.
scaleMeshTool.helpText=Drag a handle to scale selected points. Control-drag to scale about center. Shift-drag to scale uniformly.
scaleMeshTool.errorText=No points are selected to scale.
scaleMeshTool.dragText=Scale by: {0}
scaleObjectTool.helpText=Drag a handle to resize objects. Shift-drag preserves shape, control-drag scales around center. Double-click icon for options.
skeletonTool.helpText=Definir and move bones. Shift-click to lock/unlock bones. Control-click to create a new bone. Double-click icon for options.
skeletonTool.helpTextNoCreate=Definir and move bones. Shift-click to lock/unlock bones. Double-click icon for options.
skewMeshTool.helpText=Drag a handle to skew selected points. Control-drag to skew about center. Shift-drag to skew uniformly.
skewMeshTool.errorText=No points are selected to skew.
taperMeshTool.helpText=Drag a handle to taper selected points. Control-drag to taper toward center. Shift-drag to taper uniformly.
taperMeshTool.errorText=No points are selected to taper.
thickenMeshTool.helpText=Click and drag to move selection inward or outward.
thickenMeshTool.errorText=No points are selected to thicken.
thickenMeshTool.dragText.inward=Inward by {0}
thickenMeshTool.dragText.outward=Outward by {0}
moveKeyframeTool.helpText=Click and drag to select and move keyframes. Shift-click adds to selection.
moveScoreTool.helpText=Drag to scroll display. Shift-drag to rescale axis.
# Other text displayed by tools
applyExtrudeTo=When extruding faces, apply to:
enterNumSides=Enter number of sides:
threeSidesRequired=Number of sides cannot be less than three.
selectMeshSizeShape=Definir the mesh size and shape:
checkSaveChanges=The scene {0} has been modified. Do you want to save changes?
convertLosesPosesWarning={0} has a Pose track. If you convert it to a triangle mesh, all Pose keyframes will be deleted. Are you sure you want to do this?
confirmConvertToTriangle=Convert {0} to a triangle mesh?
confirmConvertToActor=Convert {0} to an Actor? Once you do this, you will no longer be able to add or delete vertices.
illegalTolerance=Illegal entry for error tolerance.
negativeTolerance=Error tolerance cannot be negative.
cannotTriangulate=Unable to triangulate object.
errorReadingScript=An error occurred while reading the script:
confirmBindParent=Add tracks to the selected objects to make them move with the skeletons of their parent objects?
errorLoadingIcon=Error loading icon: {0}
errorLoadingImage=An error occurred while loading the image file {0}.
openScene=Open Scene
errorLoadingWholeScene=An error occurred while reading the file. This file may have been created with a later version of Art of Illusion.
errorLoadingScenePart=Errors occurred while reading the file. As a result, some elements of the scene could not be loaded correctly. The file may have been created with a later version of Art of Illusion.
errorLoadingFile=An error occurred while reading the file:
errorSavingFile=An error occurred while saving the file:
saveScene=Save Scene
errorSavingScene=An error occurred while saving the scene:
objectLayoutTitle=Layout for "{0}"
objectLayoutTitleMultiple=Layout for Selected Objects
alignObjectsTitle=Definir how to align the objects:
alignTo=Align To
doNotAlign=Do not align
renameObjectTitle=Enter new name for selected object:
selectToleranceForMesh=Definir tolerance for triangle mesh:
maxError=Max Error
newScript=New Script
newScriptedObject=New Scripted Object
jumpToTimeTitle=Jump to Time
selectTemplateImage=Definir an image file to use as a template:
gridTitle=Definir Grid Options:
showGrid=Show Grid
snapToGrid=Snap To Grid
gridSpacing=Grid Spacing
snapToSubdivisions=Snap-To Subdivisions
environmentTitle=Definir Environment Properties:
ambientColor=Ambient Color
environmentColor=Environment Color
fogColor=Fog Color
fogDistance=Fog Distance
solidColor=Solid Color
textureDiffuse=Texture - Diffuse
textureEmissive=Texture - Emissive
noTracksSelected=No tracks are selected to display.
singleTrackNoGraph=The track "{0}" has no graphable parameters.
multiTrackNoGraph=The selected tracks have no graphable parameters.
# The various Transform dialogs
applyToUnselectedChildren=Apply to unselected children of selected objects
rotateScaleAround=Rotate/Scale Around
individualObjectCenters=Individual Object Centers
centerOfSelection=Center of Selection
transformPoints=Transform Points
transformAround=Transform Around
# Execute Script and Edit Scripted Object windows
selectScriptToLoad=Definir Script to Load
errorReadingScript=An error occurred while reading the script:
saveScriptToFile=Save Script to File
errorWritingScript=An error occurred while writing the script:
objectParameters=Object Parameters
# Scene Images window
button.selectNone=Definir None
selectImagesToLoad=Definir Images to Load
deleteSelectedImage=Delete the selected image?
imageInUse=This image could not be deleted, because it is currently being used by a texture or material.
# Track and keyframe editing windows
mustConvertToActor="{0}" must be converted to an Actor before a Pose track can be attached to it. Once you do this, you will no longer be able to add or delete vertices. Are you sure you want to do this?
editKeyframe=Edit Keyframe
editKeyframeFor=Edit Keyframe for {0}
trackName=Track Name
separateSmoothness=Separate Left and Right Smoothness
bendTrackTitle=Options for Bend Track
bendAxis=Bend Axis
bendDirection=Bend Direction
reverseBendDirection=Reverse Bend Direction
bendAngle=Bend Angle
twistTrackTitle=Options for Twist Track
twistAxis=Twist Axis
reverseTwistDirection=Reverse Twist Direction
twistAngle=Twist Angle
deformTrackTitle=Deformation Track Properties
scaleTrackTitle=Options for Scale Track
shatterTrackTitle=Options for Shatter Track
maxFragmentSize=Max Fragment Size
explodeSpeed=Explode Speed
fragmentSpinRate=Fragment Spin Rate
disappearanceTime=Disappearance Time
gravityAxis=Gravity Axis
skeletonShapeTrackTitle=Options for Skeleton Shape Track
menu.resetToDefaultPose=Reset to Default Pose
menu.createPoseFromGestures=Create Pose from Gestures...
ikNotApplyWarning=Inverse Kinematics tracks have no effect on objects without skeletons.
paramTrackTitle=Options for Texture Parameter Track
selectTrackParams=Definir all parameters this track should control:
visibilityTrackTitle=Options for Visibility Track
weightTrackTitle=Options for Weight Track
noParamsForKeyframe=This keyframe has no editable parameters.
procPosTrackTitle=Procedural Position Track
procRotTrackTitle=Procedural Rotation Track
keyframesBetweenTime=keyframes between time
andTime=and time
toTime=to time
byFactorOf=by a factor of
numLoopTimes=Number of times to loop:
allTracks=All Tracks
allTracksSelectedObjects=All Tracks of Selected Objects
selectedTracks=Selected Tracks
existingKeyframesError=There are existing keyframes in the target range for this operation (from time {0} to time {1}). If you continue, they will be deleted. Do you want to continue?
pathFromCurveTitle=Set Path From Curve
setPathOf=Set path of
fromCurve=from curve
orientFollowsCurve=Orientation Follows Curve
keyframeSpacing=Keyframe Spacing:
uniformSpacing=Uniform Spacing
constantSpeed=Constant Speed
constantAccel=Constant Acceleration
curveLength=Curve Length:
initialSpeed=Initial Speed:
finalSpeed=Final Speed:
# The Preferences window
prefsTitle=Art of Illusion Preferences
defaultRenderer=Default Renderer
objPreviewRenderer=Object Preview Renderer
texPreviewRenderer=Texture Preview Renderer
defaultDisplayMode=Default Display Mode
interactiveSurfError=Interactive Surface Error
lowSurfErrorWarning=Setting the interactive surface error to less than 0.01 is not recommended. It may lead to very slow performance. Are you sure you want to do this?
languageChangedWarning=The new language setting will apply to new windows, but will not affect any windows which are currently open.
# The Textures window
newTexName=Enter name for new texture:
deleteTexture=Delete the texture "{0}"?
newTexNameAndType=Definir name and type for new texture:
importTextures=Import Textures from Scene File
noTexturesError=This file does not contain any textures.
selectTexturesToImport=Definir Textures to Import:
editTextureTitle=Set Texture Properties:
# The Materials window
newMatName=Enter name for new material:
deleteMaterial=Delete the material "{0}"?
newMatNameAndType=Definir name and type for new material:
importMaterials=Import Material from Scene File
noMaterialsError=This file does not contain any materials.
selectMaterialsToImport=Definir Material to Import:
editMaterialTitle=Set Material Properties:
integrationStepSize=Integration Step Size
# The Object Material window
objectMaterialTitle=Object Material
chooseMaterialForSingle=Choose material for "{0}":
chooseMaterialForMultiple=Choose material for selected objects:
button.newMaterial=New Material...
button.editMapping=Edit Mapping...
# The Object Texture window and associated windows
objectTextureTitle=Object Texture
chooseTextureForSingle=Choose texture for "{0}":
chooseTextureForMultiple=Choose texture for selected objects:
simpleTexture=Simple Texture
layeredTexture=Layered Texture
blendingMode=Blending Mode:
overlayBumpsAdd=Overlay (bumps add)
textureParameters=Texture Parameters
button.newTexture=New Texture...
frontAndBackFaces=Front and Back Faces
frontFacesOnly=Front Faces Only
backFacesOnly=Back Faces Only
bindTexToSurface=Bind Texture Coordinates to Surface
button.editUVCoords=Edit UV Coordinates...
uvCoordsTitle=UV Texture Coordinates
displayedComponent=Displayed Component:
selectedVertexCoords=Selected Vertex Coordinates:
mapFacesIndependently=Map Each Face Independently
displayedCoordRange=Displayed Coordinate Range:
# Object editing windows
editCubeTitle=Definir Cube Size:
editCylinderTitle=Definir Shape for Cylinder:
bottomRadiusX=Bottom Radius (X)
bottomRadiusZ=Bottom Radius (Z)
radiusRatio=Ratio Top/Bottom Radii
editSphereTitle=Definir Sphere Radii:
editPointLightTitle=Parameters for Point Light:
lightColor=Light Color
decayRate=Decay Rate
editDirectionalLightTitle=Parameters for Directional Light:
editSpotLightTitle=Parameters for Spot Light:
coneAngle=Cone Angle
falloffRate=Falloff Rate
editCameraTitle=Parameters for Camera:
fieldOfView=Field of View
depthOfField=Depth of Field
focalDist=Focal Distance
button.updatePreview=Update Preview
chooseTintColor=Choose Tint Color
chooseOutlineColor=Choose Outline Color
saveWindowChanges=Save changes made in this window?
saveChanges=Save Changes
discardChanges=Discard Changes
editVertSingle=Enter coordinates for selected vertex:
editVertMultiple=Enter coordinates for selected vertices:
ikBone=IK Bone
ikWeight=IK Weight
setTensionTitle=Set tension parameters:
maxDistance=Maximum Distance
noPerVertexParams=This object's texture has no per-vertex parameters.
noPerFaceParams=This object's texture has no per-face or per-face/per-vertex parameters.
resetCoordsToPos=Reset texture mapping coordinates for the selected vertices to be equal to the current vertex positions?
texMappingCoords=Texture Mapping Coordinates:
noLayerPerVertexParams=(No per-vertex parameters)
noLayerPerFaceParams=(No per-face or per-face/per-vertex parameters)
texParamsForSelectedPoints=Texture parameters for selected points:
texParamsForSelectedFaces=Texture parameters for selected faces:
deleteBone=Delete the bone "{0}"?
deleteBoneAndChildren=Delete the bone "{0}" and all of its children?
selectParentBone=Definir a parent bone for "{0}":
bindPointsToSkeleton=Bind selected points to skeleton?
ikWeightBlending=IK Weight Blending
selectImportSkeleton=Definir the object whose skeleton should be imported:
curveNeeds2Points=A curve must have at least two points.
curveNeeds3Points=A closed curve must have at least three points.
tubeNeeds2Points=A tube must have at least two points.
tubeNeeds3Points=A closed tube must have at least three points.
setPointSmoothness=Set Smoothness for Selected Points
setCurveSmoothness=Set Smoothness for Selected Curves
setEdgeSmoothness=Set Smoothness for Selected Edges
surfaceNoLongerClosed=You have modified this object so that it is no longer a closed surface. This means that it can no longer have a material assigned to it. Are you sure you want to continue?
illegalDelete=The selection could not be deleted, because it would result in an illegal surface.
simplifyMeshTitle=Specify tolerance for simplified mesh:
maxSurfaceError=Max Surface Error
optimizeMeshTitle=Optimize mesh connectivity? This will rearrange the mesh edges to produce a smoother surface.
bevelFacesTitle=Bevel/Extrude Selected Faces:
bevelPointsTitle=Bevel/Extrude Selected Points:
bevelEdgesTitle=Bevel/Extrude Selected Edges:
extrudeHeight=Extrude Height
bevelWidth=Bevel Width
selectionAsWhole=Selection as a Whole
individualFaces=Individual Faces
cannotJoinOpenAndClosed=You cannot join an open boundary curve to a closed one.
reverseDirection=Reverse Direction
joinBoundardiesTitle=Definir parameters for joining the boundary curves:
edgesNotContinuous=The selected edges do not form a continuous curve.
numTrianglesInMesh=Number of triangles in mesh:
setThicknessTitle=Thickness for selected points:
restrictTotalRange=Restrict Total Range
restrictComfortRange=Restrict Comfort Range
firstSecond=First - Second
secondFirst=Second - First
currentPose=Current Pose:
savePoseAsGesture=Save the current pose as a new gesture:
savePoseAsObject=Save the current pose as a new object:
enterNewNameForGesture=Enter a new name for the gesture:
enterNameForNewGesture=Enter name for new gesture:
deleteGesture=Delete the gesture "{0}"?
editScriptedObjTitle=Scripted Object Parameters
externalObject.sceneNotFound=The scene file {0} could not be found.
externalObject.objectNotFound=The scene file {0} does not contain an object called "{1}".
externalObject.multipleObjectsFound=The scene file {0} contains more than one object called "{1}".
externalObject.sceneFile=External Scene File
externalObject.objectName=External Object Name
externalObject.loadingError=An error occurred loading the object: {0}
externalObject.selectScene=Definir a scene from which to load the external object:
externalObject.selectObject=Definir an object to load:
# The rendering windows
renderTitle=Rendering Options
noCameraError=A scene must contain a camera to be rendered.
StartTime=Start Time
EndTime=End Time
elapsedTime=Elapsed Time: {0}
renderFrameLabel=Frame {0} of {1}: {2}...
renderSubimageLabel=Frame {0} of {1}, Subimage {2}: {3}...
applyingFilters=Applying Filters
doneRendering=Done Rendering
selectFileFormat=Definir Format For Output File:
saveImage=Save Image
surfaceAccuracy=Surface Accuracy:
minRaysPixel=Min Rays/Pixel:
maxRaysPixel=Max Rays/Pixel:
softShadows=Soft Shadows
monteCarlo=Monte Carlo
photonMapping=Photon Mapping
useCausticsMap=Use Caustics Photon Map
transparentBackground=Transparent Background
generateHDR=Generate High Dynamic Range Image
reduceAccuracyForDistant=Reduce Accuracy for Distant Objects
russianRoulette=Russian Roulette Sampling
advancedOptions=Advanced Options
maxRayTreeDepth=Max Ray Tree Depth:
minRayTreeDepth=Min Ray Intensity:
maxOctreeDepth=Max Octree Depth:
matStepSize=Material Step Size:
texSmoothing=Texture Smoothing:
extraGISmoothing=Extra Smoothing for Global Illumination:
illuminationOptions=Illumination Options
globalIllumination=Global Illumination:
giPhotonMap=Global Illumination Photon Map:
totalPhotons=Total Photons:
numToEstimateLight=# to Estimate Light:
outputOptions=Output Options
shadingMethod=Shading Method:
eliminateBackfaces=Eliminate Backfaces
renderPreview=Render Wireframe Preview
# Text from Translator plugins
writeTexToMTL=Write textures to .mtl file
exportWholeScene=Export Whole Scene
selectedObjectsOnly=Selected Objects Only
exportToOBJ=Export to Wavefront .obj File
imageSizeForTextures=Image Size for Textures:
imageQuality=Image Quality
errorExportingScene=An error occurred while exporting the scene:
importOBJ=Import Wavefront .obj File
exportToPOV=Export to POV File
overwriteFile=Overwrite existing file "{0}"?
exportToVRML=Export to VRML File
# Miscellaneous pieces of short text scattered through the program